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Keep Reeling!

Being a full time fishing guide on Lake Minnetonka and Lake Waconia has it's ups and downs.  It's not the ups and downs of the business I am talking about it...  It is the emotional rollercoaster and down right patience it takes to pursue trophy fish knowing that on any ONE cast it may just "happen"; the giant fish of a lifetime might just eat your bait.  I told that to Matt and Jack yesterday and they stuck to throwing and reeling for the better part of 5 plus hours.  

After 2 missed opportunities early in the day, it was down to the last spot and the "5th" hour when Jack was hooked up and doing battle.  These guys worked hard and never stopped reeling.  I had told them for 5 hours straight that the next cast or that the "next spot" was going to produce a fish.  I could tell they were starting to wonder if it was just a guides tale. 

Jack Ryan (pictured at top) was on the receiving end of the emotional high yesterday when this giant 49" muskie decided to eat what we had to offer.  After a quick measurement and photo with the fish I come to learn that Jack can't even usually bait his own hook... Hmmm  But when asked if he wanted to hold the fish for a quick photo he jumped at the opportunity and was all smiles the whole way.  He was feeling pretty good about things.  I could see the muskie addiction was already setting in and soon to take over for this young man.  Not a bad start to a muskie fishing career and it wasn't for a lack of hard work and effort.  Congrats to Jack on a great fish and she swims to fight another day!  

Many muskie outings don't have a great story or a great ending.  So often as a guide and fisherman I am left disappointed or wanting more.  Many times I feel "down".  Those are the days that the fish decide they just don't wanna cooperate.  The "ups" and "downs" or as better called the emotional rollercoaster of fishing is exactly what brings me back for more.  It is a rollercoaster and when it's good-it's really good; when it's bad it can be brutally tough.  At the end of the day, I am my worst critic and am hard on myself when the day doesn't go as planned.  I enjoy working hard at the sport of fishing and will continue to leave it all on the lake day in and day out.  I told Matt and Jack that we were not going in until they caught a muskie.  Little did they know I was serious, so good thing they caught one shortly before Matt had to go to his office.  Ha   

As for Matt-well he caught a dandy smallmouth and had his chances at a toothy critter(s)!  Always remember this one thing-Just keep reeling!!!  Until the next time I can break away from the lake long enough to update y'all on the bite, Fish On!  

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