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The Studs Keep Coming!

Well what can I say?!......  This fishing stuff is something I love and guiding for muskies is a passion of mine.  I think I get more joy out of a client catching a fish then they usually get out of landing a big muskie.  This story is nothing about my clients-which is what most of fishwithmatt is dedicated to.  This story is about a dandy muskie I was able to hook up on and tangle with.  

The morning trip produced Jack Ryan his first ever muskie.  I had the rest of the afternoon to myself and I couldn't resist the chance to go check a couple more areas.  It is not very often that I actually get to fish for these great fish that I respect.  I don't usually fish a whole lot when I guide for muskies, I want YOU to catch the one fish that might bite all day.  But when the chance presents itself for me to do a little throwing, I am not going to pass it up.

After dropping Jack and Matt off I pulled up to the first spot and caught a nice 40" Lake Minnetonka muskie.  It only took me 3 casts on the spot and the fish was hooked up.  Realizing the fish were chomping I called in my good friend Pete to bring more baits and an attitude ready to tangle with a giant or two.  About the time Pete showed up the clouds were starting to go away and the bright yellow thing was starting to shine.  I knew this would not help our mid day muskie bite so I ran to some heavy milfoil that is about 7-9 feet of water and started throwing.  Pete made a comment to the effect of he wasn't going to throw on the spot because there wasn't any fish on this spot. I replied with a, "well I know there is a big one here, so I will just have to catch her".  He said, "whatever it takes, I will take one for the team".  No sooner did he get those words out of his mouth and I looked up and saw her coming hot on my bait.  She followed it all the way to the boat and then darted off and I thought she was gone.  Going into a figure 8 I was already smarting off to Pete.  About the 2nd turn of my figure 8 she darted out from under the weeds by the boat and ate my bait.  The fish measured in at 51" and was about as fat as Jerome Bettis leg.  Needless to say it has not been on much of a diet.  Not sure Pete will ever hear the end of this one.  The fish was released and swims to fight another battle.  

Hey Pete-Next time the guide tells you that a big girl lives on the spot you might want to reconsider sitting on your hands.  ;)  I have been fishing a ton lately, as well as been to the Boundary Waters for a short fishing excursion.  The photo's, fish stories, and reports have been lacking due to the limited amont of time I have spent on dry land.  Will have more coming your way ever so soon.  Until next time, Fish On and get out and stretch that string! 

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