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Fished on the golf course ponds yesterday at the 3M Championship. It was a great way for the golfers to get out and enjoy the course in a little different way. Needless to say the fish were pretty dumb and easy to catch. We ended up with 39 lbs which was good enough for 2nd place. This was a great idea and a great experience. It allowed for some friendly competition. It was one of the more fun fishing events I have ever been apart of. How often can you say you fished from shore on golf course ponds and caught 2-5lb bass all afternoon?! I have to say thank you to Ted Capra, Tony Capra, and Dean Capra of Capra's Sporting Goods for inviting me on this great outing. Now that I know the bite, I will be better prepared for next year. Until then, Fish On!

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