Ice Ice Baby

It is that time of year again, time to hit the hard water and crush some fish through the ice. With the cold weather finally arriving we have hit the ice hard in the past 3-4 weeks. Although we are a month behind last year we are making up for lost time with the great bite we have been on.
We hit the ice the day after thanksgiving on Red Lake and managed to walk out on 4" of ice and catch a few nice walleyes for a fish fry. By no means did we "crush" them on this opening trip. It was a good way to work out a few kinks in gear and get on the ice.
After Red Lake Tony and I managed to find good ice in South Dakota and the fish were cooperating. The lake we started on was not producing like we had hoped, so we made a wiggle onto a new lake. New lake meant new challenges, but when we finally landed on the fish it was an absolute crush. We caught most of our perch on a Clam bomb spoons and other Clam jigs tipped with Maki plastics. When they didn't want plastics we found the "dead stick" with a crappie minnow 10" off the bottom to manage some bites. After leaving South Dakota we came home for Christmas and some family time during the holidays. It was not long and we were back on the road chasing gravel lizards around MN.
But that report will have to wait for tomorrow.. Until next time, Fish On! Get out and strech your string. #grabyourrodandfish #waypointsforgasmoney
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