Setting Them Up

Here I am again, back at the puter trying to get an update up with pics, a story, and ice reports. As the year comes to a wrap I can't help but think about the fact that I have been blogging and reporting on my adventures here on FWM for almost 10 years! Where have the days, years, and time gone. When I first decided it was a good idea to start a updated fishing report I was ahead of the blog curve, I was ahead of Facebook, I was ahead of myself. Who even knew what a blog was in 2002?! This blog entry is going to be like no other, will be one that I won't soon forget, and will mark a new era. At the same time going to be one of the toughest blogs I have ever had to sit down and write. It leaves me wondering....
I sit here now and look back on a lot of amazing adventures, fishing outings, tourney events (wins and losses), and what I have decided for 10 years+ to call my "life". I can't help but think about what this all means to my life and where it has brought me in the past years. I have ventured as far north as the far reaches of Canada and south to fish Bonefish in the Bahamas....and everything in between. I think there is a song for this one... "I've been every where". That's not to say there aren't still a few places I would like to fish(Brazil is one). I have enjoyed the fruital waters of the Keys, I have embarked on bass adventures in Mexico, and I have been fortunate enough to get to fish lake trout and smallmouth through the ice. As I think back on the years and think about all the great places I have got to chase my dream I think about how this has all happened so fast. I think about what it is about fishing and hunting that drives me every day to get up before it is light out and want to make it a day I never forget......
I have got to share in so many great adventures with so many great people and know get to call them all friends. When I was guiding on Red Lake I think I got to fish with and meet so many new friends. In the process we caught thousands of crappies over 5 or 6 winters.
None of this would be possible without the support I have recieved and am receieving. I have a great family, friends, mentors, and last but not least list of sponsors. Without my family having believed in my mission and my sponsors also willing to take a chance on a kid with a dream and passion, none of the past 10+ years would even be on this website!! You would not be able to sit down at your computer and get an up to date ice report, fishing report, crazy adventure story, photos, or any of the other things I try and offer to my followers and readers..... I can't thank those that have helped me enough. I work hard to align with good companies that make good products, and in turn I ask that you please support them. They support me and my mission and without them I wouldn't have the drive and motivation to sit here and pour out the best fishing and hunting info that I can.
This brings me to my next point. I want to say, "thank you" to everyone that has fished with me in the past 15 years of guiding and all my readers/followers. That is what it's really about. I do this for you! I want to be able to pass along the info you need to become better anglers, make good decisions with your time on the water, and enjoy something that I am so truly passionate about. Thanks to my vision and passion I was able to help my good friend Travis Frank bring his website(now ever so popular) to fruition. I still have to beg to fish with him... hmmmm. :)
I strive to help grow this sport in a time when so many are getting out of it, or not willing to expose their kids to the natural resources. We all live in this crazy fast world; where one day we don't know if the market(or whatever you wanna call gambling) may crash and we may loss everything. Don't live in fear of that day and not have enjoyed what is right under your nose. Stop making excuses and get out and enjoy what God has given us. You won't regret it-promise! Enough on that tangent.
As 2011 comes to a close in the coming days there are a couple key moments I would like to touch on. The first one being the fact that I sat out the 2011 FLW tour and opted to stay closer to home(MN) and guide and fish. I as the spring and summer got going I wasn't thinking it was such a good idea, but looking back on the decision now I can say it was a great idea. I got to enjoy the MN fishing opener with good friends and absolutely pound the big walleyes on Lake Waconia. Before I knew it, I was back in a tourney here in MN on Whitefish and I was fortunate enough to win that small July derby. The fall brought some great muskie fishing and BOWHUNTING! I put the boat away and was lost in the woods for about 30 days. No giants to show for my efforts but a good time nonetheless. The brings me to where I am now-ICE FISHING! I have been ice fishing my arse off the last 3 weeks and the fishing has been on fire. I can't seem to do wrong. All the lakes and trips we have made have produced decent or better action. Now we put 2011 to bed and get ready for an even better 2012......
This last part is going to be the tough part, the part I have dreaded for years. Let's cut to the chase. As good as things have been over the past 15 years of guiding, as much fun as the adventures have been, and as hard as I have worked at this....all good things must come to an end. 2012 will be the start of a new FWM. I am no longer going to just be fishing, guiding, and blogging, I will be working alongside the industries best. I am going to be taking a JOB! Not to say this isn't work, but this is going to be a new adventure for FWM. I am extremely excited about it and also looking forward to new challenges. I will continue to guide and blog-fishing and hunting is my core! I will still bring you stories from the water and field. I will work hard to have the ice reports(lots have been contacting me and asking for updates). I will continue to search for the next crush session day in and day out. The dream I live will always be alive. Thank you for reading, following, and being apart of my surreal "life"!
Now that I have that out there let's get to a current Lake Minnetonka and Lake Waconia ice conditions and report. Last night I fished on Lake Minnetonka on the big part of the lake they call "upper" and had 6" of great black ice and managed 4 nice eater walleyes(pic below). Much of Lake Minnetonka is sitting aroung 4-6" of ice. Some areas have a little more, but I think 6" is a pretty common theme. The walleye fishing was hot from 4:50-5:15-yeah I know, short bite. But the ones I caught were good for hot oil. :) That is a nice change from all the big gravel lizards we have been catching else where. These fish were all caught on set lines on either a Northalnd Eye Dropper or a #2 Pink Gamakatsu Octopus hook tipped with a golden shiner about 12" off the bottom.
Lake Waconia ice report and fishing report is decent as well. Waconia has 7-9" of ice on most of all the lake and the crappie bite at sunset has been great. If you are looking to try and hit the ice get ahold of me as soon as you can. Off to the wrapper for some rest, headed to pound Mille Lacs tomorrow for a few days before I have to start this JOB! Fish On!
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