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Big Buck Down!  Took a little time off the water to chase my other huge passion.  Bowhunting!

I spent last week in WI with a few good friends in pursuit of the whitetail deer.  I was very fortunate on Friday night to harvest both this great buck with a drop tine but also a nice management doe.  This deer actually walked in to 6 yards, only 10 minutes after I had just took a doe at 18 yards.  The doe only went 20 yards before it was down, and this buck still walked right into me.  

The crazy thing is, this wasn't the only buck I saw after taking my doe.  The first buck that walked by was a nice 10 pointer but just wasn't what I was looking for.  Then this drop tine buck walked in right behind him. All the deer were walking from a bedding area out to a bean field to feed and I was just sitting in a small patch of woods in the travel corridor.  

The deer were all around me and I can contribute that to a few things.  The first thing I do before heading out to the woods is I shower in the Primos Silver Xp soap and shampoo.  The next thing I can contribute to my success is my clothing and boots.  Scent Blocker makes some great products and I would recommend their new cold fusion products if you are in the market for clothing.  I have been wearing the Dream Season Pro Fleece Coat and love it, it has many great features that bow hunters can appreciate.  As you see I also wear the Scent Blocker Dream Season boots and they have the BOA lace system.  Most of the time when a deer busts you, it is because deer smell where you walked in the woods to your stand.  Not with these boots.  The deer walked right down the trail I walked across to get to my stand.  Lastly, I can not say enough good things about the Ol' Man Roost deerstands that I am hunting out.  The stand I shot this dandy buck out of was not even 48 hours old in the tree.  Ol' Man has a hammock style seat that allows you to sit all day in comfort.  Next time you are looking at stands or in the market for one, take the time to check these stands out.  You will not be disappointed.   

This buck was a great bow harvest for me and I couldn't have been happier with the way the week in WI turned out.   

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