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The Other Season

This is a short video of a nice buck that I was able to catch on camera at Pedro's farm. I am using the new Primos Truthcam 60's and 46's and have had great luck with both video and still images. They are excellent trail cams and simple to use. As many of you that are close to me know....I am a nut for bow hunting. It does not matter what I am bow hunting, I just love everything about it. Whitetails seem to be my true passion but I am open to chasing any animal I can with my bow. This is the other season....the time between fishing and more fishing. Every year, at the same time of year, I take a break from fishing and chase whitetails with my bow...that time has arrived once again. I was able to harvest a nice drop tine buck back in September but am back in the woods with the fellas for 2 weeks of filming during prime time. :) Stay tuned for the photos of what gets put on the ground this week.....

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