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Turkey Day

Before you go making your turkey day meal, take a minute and watch fellow Evinrude Pro Paul Meleen as he prepares a tasty bird for the big day. Thanks for sharing Paul! You can follow the e-team blog here.

Thanksgiving is a great time of year. It gives us a time to reflect and remember all all our blessings.
This time of year offers a great opportunity to spend time with our families and I am no exception. Coming from a big family(baby of 9 kids) makes for an exciting thanksgiving get-together! Thanksgiving gives me time away from the water and woods to share laughs and memories with many nieces and nephews. This year we will be celebrating at my brothers house in Minneapolis.
I have a lot to be thankful for....including my health, a great family, and awesome friends. I remind myself daily that I am fortunate to get to fish and be outdoors for a living. I want to say thank you to all the folks that have supported me over the years. Without my great family, sponsors, and other great folks that have gotten behind me I would not be able to pursue my dreams each and every day. So thank you to all of my supporters and fans. Now go out and enjoy your family and friends and remember life is a great blessing each and every day.

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