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New Definition of BBD!  

Are you kidding me...?!  I am left speechless but I am going to try and give you the story behind this photo.  

Good friend, fishing partner, and hunting partner Jeremy called Pete tonight after dark and we had all just come in from the woods and said, "Pete, I shot a giant!".  We weren't sure what he meant by a giant but the proof is in the pudding.  This thing is a magnum stud whitetail that should be close if not the new MN state record non-typical whitetail.  They have a rough measurement on it and it pushes 243"+.  This deer was taken just outside of the south metro on a small piece of property owned by his father.  When we bow hunted together last week I asked him if his dad had any good ones we should be chasing.  He had said something about a couple good ones running around but thought there was one giant...well he was right.  This deer is just outstanding huge.  He came out of a small piece of woods after a doe, and the rest was history.  He was calling to scream BBD in the phone!  Jeremy saw this deer at 2.5 and only one time since and never got a shot at it...they are guessing his age now at either 5.5 or 6.5.  Guess he did a good job of hiding for a few years.  

Congrats to Jeremy and I look forward to just standing next to this unreal animal for a photo.  Until next time, continue the chase....oh and Hunt On!  

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